Position Papers are TBD.

The Third Committee of the General Assembly, the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM), focuses on issues of fundamental human rights and the violation of these rights. The international community is able to come together in a forum under SOCHUM and discuss these issues while exploring and investigating them thoroughly to find the best solutions. This committee aims to protect and promote basic freedoms and ideals meant to be enjoyed by the entire international community, such as the right to life, the expression of cultures, the freedom of political participation, the protection of children’s rights, and the promotion of social development, among many others.

Topic A: Socio-political implications of Language extension
Topic B: Protecting Migrant Rights in megacities

Committee location TBD.

Meet Your Chairs

Head Chair: Maanya Medapa

Deputy Chair: Shrihari Asokan

Deputy Chair: Lauren Riley